Dividend history


The record day for the first dividend payment of SEK 2.85 was Tuesday, May 7th, 2024, and the record day for the second dividend payment of SEK 2.85 is Wednesday, November 13th, 2024. The first dividend payment was disbursed on Monday, May 13th, 2024, to be followed by the second dividend payment on Monday, November 18th, 2024.

Year Result per share SEK Dividend per share SEK Percentage
2023 9.62* 5.70 59%
2022 10.24 5.40 53%
2021 8.54 (excl PPP loan) 4.80 56%
2020 1.82 1.20 66%
2019 7.84 3.60 46%
2018 6.67 3.60 54%
2017 5.20 2.80 54%
2016 3.96 2.50 63%
2015 3.89 2.35 60%
2014 3.01 1.75 58%
2013 2.57 1.75 68%
2012 3.53 1.75 50%
2011 3.20 1.60 50%
2010 3.28 1.50 46%
2009 2.45 1.20 49%
2008 2.50 1.20 48%
2007 2.71 1.20 44%
2006 2.18 1.00 46%
2005 2.07 0.92 44%
2004 1.09 0.53 49%
2003 0.41 0.20 49%
2002 0.36 0.17 47%

*Excl. reversed provision of earn-out

The historical dividend information provided is for informational purposes only, and is not intended for trading purposes. The historical dividend information is provided by Mergent, a third party service, and Notified does not maintain or provide information directly to this service. Total dividends per year is based on the dividend ex-date.

BTS is a public company traded at Nasdaq Stockholm under the symbol BTS b